When considering putting on a new roof on your home, it is important for the consumer to do a few things before the roofers show up at your house. Most people struggle with who to call. They may ask, if they really need a roof or if they can get by ...
Most people never will climb up a ladder and on a roof. Even if they did, they probably would not know what to look for that a new roof is needed. Today we are going to give you five basic signs that the roof needs some attention. This is an easy ...
OSB and Plywood buckling roofs can be solved very easily. Have you ever seen a roof that has had areas that were lifting up? It looks like a big air bubble that is stretching the roof sheathing, felt and shingles. The spacing of roof sheathing is very important for installers to ...
Will you be the dummy when it comes a time, to do your roof? You certainly won’t be today since you are smart enough to find this website. I understand the frustrations when hiring roofers. There are good ones, not so good ones, and then there are great ones. The things ...
I have three quotes for my roof replacement, which underlayment should I choose? Karen Asked, "I am considering three quotes for my roof replacement – the main roof has a 9:12 pitch. All the bidders use Timberline shingles and 3- ft ice and water shield at eaves. One uses #15 ...
Slate roofs are one of the longest-lasting roofs you could have and are found all over the world. It is not uncommon to see these rock roofs last 100-200 years I recently had this photo sent to me from Scotland. These beautifully aged stone roofs can be found on a ...
There are a couple ways to determine how many layers are on your roof without tearing it up. So you are thinking about a new roof and are wondering just how many roofs or layers you have up there. If you have an older home and you have not lived there ...
Understanding skip sheathing and its purpose. Meg asked, Why do I need to have new plywood. My home is in Roseville CA and my roofer says I have skip sheathing. I just don’t understand what he means. The roofer I am dealing with told me that askaroofer.com would have a picture. ...
Is it better to roof over my existing roof or tear the roof off? It’s that time of year again when re-roofing is on the mind of many people. When thinking about doing an asphalt roof job, some people think they can save a few bucks by roofing over the old ...
The use of asbestos in roofing has some interesting history. Since the early 1900’s manufactures have used asbestos in different forms of roofing materials from tiles, mastic and roofing paper just to mention a few. Today I wanted to share a picture I took in 2004 in Elk Grove CA. Not ...