As most of us know, it snows regularly in temperate regions away from the equator. Snow can be fun and all, but it can also be a headache. A lot of snow piling up on your roof is definitely not good. Fortunately, there are ways you can take precautions against ...
Algae and moss can grow on roofs and lead to problems if not properly maintained. It happens after a wet winter. You know the green or brownish stuff growing on your roof. It can look really horrible and in some cases create big problems with your roof if not taken care ...
Icicles are hanging off my eaves and although they look pretty in the winter months, they also can be dangerous. This winter, the North East of the USA, has received a lot of snow and very cold temperatures and that can be the formula for icicles forming on the eaves of ...
Here are a list of things to keep from damaging your roof: Mount a satellite dish on your roof. This is the number one hate for me. Seeing a roof mount satellite dish means screwing bolts into your roof. Some installers will use a mastic sandwiched between the roof and the ...
Do Gable End Vents need to be sealed up when using Ridge Vents? Yes, I mean No, Wait a second, Maybe? Asking this question will get you many different answers. Even engineers will argue this point. So let's break it down to qualify the question. There are different types of homes ...
What do you see wrong with this picture? This tile roof was newly installed by a contractor that did not take the time to prime and pre-paint the rake and eave. Does anyone wonder why this is a concern? First of all simple logic is the boards on the ground or ...
Roof - Roof Does your dog know something you don’t? How can I tell if I need a roof? There are a few simple signs to look for to tell if you need a new roof or roof repair. Here is a list of the top 10 signs. Obvious leaks or water stains ...
Can pigeon excrement cause roof leaks? Lisa asked, "I heard that when rainwater mixes with pigeon excrement it becomes acidic and it is a common cause of roof leaks (mixture eats through the waterproof underlayment). Is this true?" I asked Ian Hollandsworth from Ruffle Feathers Bird Control in Sacramento this question. If ...
So, your rain gutters are overflowing and nothing is coming out of the downspout, what do you do? Well, sounds like you have a clogged downspout. What do you do to fix this? Some will get a ladder and a garden hose and try shoving the hose down the spout in ...
By Bob McCrickard. Understanding the importance of trimming your trees. Editor's note: While Bob may no longer be with us, he continues to share his love of roofing. Enjoy one of Bob's articles below. It takes a small amount of effort each year, but over the period of a year, dividing your roof ...