Rain Gutters and Downspouts have been around to control water draining from our roofs for centuries. Rainwater can do much damage to landscaping or the dwelling if not controlled by downspouts or waterspouts directing water out and away from a building. Many architectural stone sculptures depicting some sort of animals can ...
Roof Art has been around for years. Normally the artwork is a theme of what the business is. Like different colors of shingles like that of a Minnesota barn, weaved into a 70-foot design of a brown and white dairy cow, or a bright yellow shark on top of a flat ...
Foo Dog. An ancient Asian custom to use these on rooftops and entry gates to protect occupants inside from evils. These ferocious guard dogs come from a long pedigree, that interestingly can be found guarding homes in our modern-day neighborhoods. Just down the street from my house is a large pair ...
This is a unique installation for cedar shakes. A 20 % stagger or 2-inch drop gives a rugged look to a typical heavy shake roof. To gain the proper lay-out instead of running the shake felt at 10 inches, you would lay it out at 8 inches. With the 2 inch ...
By Bob McCrickard. Bracklinn Falls Bridge received a much needed rebuild after it was washed away in a flood. Editor's note: While Bob may no longer be with us, he is still sharing his love of roofing with others. Enjoy one of his previous posts Bracklinn Falls Copper Covered Bridge is a cool ...
These are special cut shingles that typically are applied to the exterior walls of a building or home. Butt shingles come in several shapes and designs. Made from a clear heartwood, western red cedar, they are rather costly to use on the whole roof or entire wall of a home but ...
A little Roofing History TiteLock metal shingles were manufactured by Milwaukee Corrugated CO. in the early 1900′s and were designed with a side lap locking joint system that concealed the nails holding the panels down and yet allowed for expansion and contraction. The stamped profile you see in the ad below ...
The Doty Lumber and Shingle Company were formed in Lewis County, Washington. After many years of developing a lumber company. Mr. Doty partnered with G. A. Onn in 1904, who was a proprietor of a shingle mill. Mr. Doty became the president and manager of the new company, with G.A. Onn ...
Some days a guy just has to get away and do something fun. As the year of roofing grinds down and the rainy days produce some time off, a well deserved day on the river or lake can be just what we need to recharge our batteries. So get out the ...
What is it? This is a tool I purchased a few years ago off eBay and was listed as a shingle gauge. Me being interested in older roofing related tools, I bought it. Once I received in the mail, I tried to figure out what it was and how it was ...