By Evelyn Witterholt. Thinking of fixing your roof by yourself? Here’s why it isn’t such a good idea. Say your roof is leaking or you need to fix some broken shingles, but you don’t want to shell out the money for a professional roofing contractor. You think taking on the ...
By Evelyn Witterholt. Before taking on a DIY project, consider these four reasons why a roofing repair professional might be a better fit for the job. So you’re looking at your roof, you can see what repairs need to be made and you think to yourself, “I can do that ...
By Cass Jacoby. As pandemic conditions improve, you will want to make sure you have the budget and financing to make your project goals come true. Suffice to say everyone spent a lot of time at home in 2020, and with that everyone has become acutely acquainted with the renovations ...
By MBTechnology. MBTechnology’s installation video shows off the effortless installation process of their Self-stick SA Cap membrane. MBTechnology, a leading manufacturer of affordable, premium roofing and underlayment systems, shows in their instructional video the versatile and easy application of the Self-stick SA Cap membrane. Self-Stick SA Cap is a ...
By Sashco. Why use caulk? What is its purpose? We've got some caulking tips for you! Caulk is made to seal out water, air, dust, pollution, insects and noise. Caulk can also simply dress up or give a finished look an otherwise rough-appearing joint. Most normal latex caulks will crack ...
By Lauren White, RCS Assitant Editor. How to continue with home improvement projects while practicing social distancing. The coronavirus crisis has disrupted everyone’s schedules, plans and day-to-day lives. Many people are turning to DIY projects, but there are some essential projects that can’t be delayed and are difficult for homeowners ...
By Oklahoma Roofing Contractors Association. Use this holiday roof lighting guide to safely hang your lights this year. ‘Tis the season for holiday lights! As you walk around your neighborhood you’ll notice rooftops, trees and some hard-to-reach places adorned with lights. Whether it’s your first time hanging lights or you’re ...
Roofing when the temperatures get well into the ’90s and hotter can be a challenge to anyone installing a roof. From my perspective being an installer for many years, it is a surprise how the body adapts to the heat as long as there are gradual climbs in the higher temperature. ...
Every year there are job site injuries where the pros get hurt or even die. Roofing falls, cuts from metal, electrical shocks, eye punctures from flying objects are just a few things that contribute to these injuries. This is the subject of our blog today, Safety on a Roof. Professional roofers ...
Finding the pitch of my roof can be a challenge when you don’t know how, or it can be really simple. The pitch of the roof is the angle of the slope. There are steep roofs that are difficult to walk on then there are flat roofs and all between. The ...